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What is a Nature Park?

While the protected areas primarily serve to protect the natural and cultural landscape, a "nature park" is additionally a platform for recreation, eco-tourism, environmental education, research and regional development. The five intersecting areas of responsibility enable nature parks to function as model regions for sustainable development.

Visitors to the nature park are motivated to consciously perceive the environment. In the process, various experience-oriented forms of knowledge transfer play a special role. This takes place in exhibitions, in our Nature Park House, at information points, at theme paths or in the context of our guided tours.

In 1995, all Austrian nature parks joined forces within the Association of Austrian Nature Reserves (VNÄ).

Logo des Verband der Naturparke Österreichs (VNÖ)
Übersichtskarte der Naturparke Österreich
Nature Park » What is a Nature Park?